Profile PictureCam Seale

Frustrated to Free - Write down your thoughts or your thoughts will write down you.

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Frustrated to Free - Write down your thoughts or your thoughts will write down you.

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Did you know, you can only hold 3 pieces of information in your mind at one time?

Get the ideas out of your head ASAP, and put them somewhere.

You are learning topics but you have no way of organising your learning or ever coming back to it?

Do you have big ambitions for making money online?

You have all of these ideas but no way of using them?

Writing out your ideas is the only way to build upon them.

I used to write in physical notebooks, Google Docs, word etc.

My notes were scattered just like my mind.

I had a million and one ideas, all over the place.

I wanted to improve my thinking.

I knew I needed to organise my thoughts and build upon them.

I was extremely frustrated that I couldn't articulate what I wanted to say.

The problem was that my thinking was not clear.

I needed a way to organise all of my old business ideas, health protocols, life lessons, business lessons, notes of books, notes of YouTube videos, product ideas, frameworks, mental models so on and so forth.

I needed a way to store and easily access the information that I synthesised.

I needed a way to take what I had learned and use it.

I needed to be able to build upon my old ideas.

So I started to build a notion file called Frustrated to Free.

This is the feeling I get having organised everything with this notion template.

Have you heard of Second Brain by Tiago Forte?

My note-taking method is based on his:

Inbox, Project, Areas, Resources, Archives.

The questions on life and business came from top experts such as Tony Robbins, Dan Koe, Shaan Puri, Sam Parr, and Andrew Huberman.

Questions are powerful.

Ultimately you have the answers within you, you just have to start getting to know yourself.

These questions have helped me and I hope that they help you too.

I've spent close to 100 hours building out the contents of this Template.

I have been working on it for 3 months.

It is a no-brainer to pay the money and check it out.

I don't mean to brag but this is such a sweet deal.

Download the template and then copy it to your notion workspace.

Make it your own.

My version of this notion template works well for me.

This template will be a great starting point for you.

You will slowly over time make changes to it to fit your projects.

Let me know if you like it.

I think this is going to change your life.

Do you feel lost and you need help

I've got good news for you, you have the answers.

Frustrated to Free is an intro to writing, personal branding, business creation, and product creation all in one, with questions posed by top, experts, founders, and leaders.

The aim of this is to make you fall in love with writing so much that you continue the writing habit for life.

It's all packaged up in a straightforward way.

You'll instantly change the trajectory of your life with this tool.

I'm rooting for you.


ps. I'm not sure what price to put on this so I am doing the stair method.

The first 20 are $5 and will go up in increments of $5 every 20.







And so on.

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You'll get access to the Frustrated to Free Notion Template.

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Second Brain
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